My name is Sarah. I'm a newlywed. My husband, Paul and I were married on May 21, 2011. I call him Captain Awesome. It pretty much encompasses how I feel about him. He is, well... awesome ;)
I have a degree in graphic design but work full time as an administrative assistant. I love my family, my wonderful friends, chocolate, reading, scrap booking, spending crazy amounts of money on Etsy, shopping, nature and above all else, God who makes this crazy life so wonderful.
I'm also a Mommy to one beautiful girl named Allison who will be 2 in November. Allie is the inspiration for the blog name: Pocket Posies. Her favorite game is "Ring around the Rosy" and I'm constantly inundated with requests for what she calls "Pocket Posies"
Allison is the most amazing person I have ever met. She's smart, she's funny and she has a heart of gold. Her favorite things currently include purses, babies, reading and wrestling with the dog. She also enjoys puddle stomping, music and dancing. Her favorite TV show is Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and her favorite song is Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star.
I started this blog as a motivation tool for my ultimate goal of becoming a work at home mom. I truly feel like home is where I belong. While I'm not the best at cleaning or cooking, I am the best person to raise Allie. Cooking and cleaning can be learned as we go :)
To help support the family financially, I am also an Ambassador for Barefoot Books, a Squidoo Lensmaster and a Cafe Press Shop Owner. I'll be talking about these fun opportunities more as time goes by.
So, that's me in a nutshell I guess. I'm very glad you stopped by and hope you will stick around so we can get to know each other better!